LORD® is a world leader in applying advanced technology to solve the complex problems of vibration, shock, motion, and noise control for the aviation industry. As a premier distributor of LORD products, Herber Aircraft offers an unsurpassed inventory of LORD products for commercial airlines, commuter aircraft, and the General Aviation piston industry. LORD mounts provide the high quality mounting hardware you need.
LORD Shimmy Dampers LORD fluid-free shimmy dampers for Bonanza/Baron and Piper aircraft provide consistent damping without maintenance. Instead of using fluids to resist motion, this patented technology features a unique rubber formulation with high-tech lubricant to absorb nose wheel vibration. This same technology is used every day on heavy-duty trucks and buses, where shock and vibration are severe. Because there is no hydraulic fluid these shimmy dampers will not leak, so the dampers do not need to be serviced. Accelerated product testing demonstrates they perform in excess of 5,000 ground-air-ground duty cycles. They are form, fit, and function compatible with existing installations, allowing for one-for-one replacement.
LORD Shock and Vibration Control Products Herber supports LORD's full line of products that improve aircraft reliability, maintainability, and passenger comfort by controlling vibration, shock, motion, and noise transmission. Applications include engine suspension systems, auxiliary power units (APUs), landing gear, lighting, and electronic navigation systems.
LORD Exchange Program Herber can also provide your company with an exchange service for your used engine mounts. In the exchange program we stock your mounts so that when you send one in for overhaul/repair we immediately replace it with an overhauled mount, reducing your downtime.
LORD Repair Program Herber can also provide your company with factory-overhauled engine mounts for many engine applications. In the repair program, your LORD engine mount is overhauled, then returned to you as a zero-time unit. This program results in significant savings when compared to purchasing new mounts. Contact us to see if your mounts can be overhauled.
The Bottom Line Herber offers unmatched comprehensive service for LORD products, from purchase to support. Just as LORD products have an impeccable reputation for quality and reliability, so Herber Aircraft has an impeccable reputation for customer service.
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